

I was hunting for easter eggs on eeggs.com today and I found something pretty cool (in a geeky kind-of way). I wouldn't class this as a true easter egg as it is not actually part of an operating system or program but it is none-the-less blogworthy. To try this you will need to open a telnet session (stay with me... stay with me...). You can do that on Windows by clicking start, run and then typing 'telnet'. On Mac OS X, go to the terminal (in Applications, Utilities) and type 'telnet'. When you are in your telnet session, type 'open towel.blinkenlights.nl' (without the inverted commas) and you will see a text-based version of Star Wars IV (That is the original one to anyone born before the 80's). It is actually pretty good for ASCII art.

by JC